The SeleBot PAICOVID project arose due to the company's need to automate the process of registering vaccinated patients on the national PAICOVID platform. Previously, this task was done manually, which represented a great workload and a high risk of errors during the entry of the information.
The automation tool takes the records of vaccinated patients, analyzes the information to find inconsistencies, filters the data, and then visually enters the information in the PAICOVID platform through the web browser..
Using Python and Selenium, I developed different modules to carry out the automation process:
- The active session module: responsible for logging in to the national platform and keeping it active for all the bots that were being executed. It also managed the download of the appropriate Web Driver for the installed browser.
- The information validation module: validated the information from the records taking into account different factors such as dates, names, email, phone numbers, identification number formats, among others.
- The automation module: was in charge of carrying out the vaccination registration process of the patient in the PAICOVID platform, including the automatic registration of the patient if they were not found in the database.
- The event registration module: used the different status messages from the PAICOVID platform to determine if the patient was successfully entered or if there was an error, and recorded all these events for later analysis.
Thanks to the implementation of SeleBot PAICOVID, Orthox was able to optimize the process of registering vaccinated patients on the national PAICOVID platform, reducing the time and effort required to do so manually. In addition, greater precision was achieved in the registration of information due to the data validation implemented in the process. SeleBot PAICOVID proved to be a very useful tool for Orthox in its mission to vaccinate the population against COVID-19.